March 8, 2002

(Mary) “My dear child,

I have come this night..... not to increase your sorrow......... but to awaken you to
joy. Through your trials you have listened to my words..... and the sensitivity of their meaning has found a place in your heart. All of these things must be as God

has predestined......... but each of you My children are a part of a great plan of

salvation..... for as you listen and hear My words............ the scales fall from youreyes and you see the need for repentance and reparation........ for the sins that havecaused such anguish and pain for My son. Yet this, too, is a great miracle.......... andnow you see........... you recognize a role you play ..... an important role. God hasmeasured precisely what each one will carry......... what portion of My Sons

Passion each shall see (visualize). I caution you to do as I have Instructed             to obey.... to fast.... to do penance and to sacrifice. For all of these lead to the mercy of God and through His mercy comes  an ocean of  forgiveness for all souls for whom you pray.”

 (Pat) “Oh, Mother sometimes it is so difficult to understand. I want to be prepared...... I try to say things just right... to tell them so they will know how much love there is...that’s how much God’s mercy is not being taken advantage of. We fail to call upon His mercy ... perhaps because we consider ourselves so unworthy. Oh, we are unworthy......but the Lord has called us to drink at His Fountain of Mercy and I come and I bring all who will hear these words, to drink, to be filled, to be purified. For it is true the battle does rage... and it will, but we are brave warriors; aren’t we mother? We’re trying.”

(Mary) “My Child,

Let your heart be filled with peace..... for what you are experiencing is emotionally difficult to convey              via words to those about you................................................................. but you
shall try, and through God’s grace, they shall understand. It is more important for

you to remain at peace......... for then God’s precious blood covers and seals you
and keeps you safe within His heart. For you must reach and touch many with the words My Son and I give you to speak.”

(Pat) “Oh Mother I wish I felt more competent. But I shall try and I shall trust and I shall believe. For I know that God is always with me...... You are always with me...... my Jesus ... always... always beside me. And yet, I have weakmoments, when I step backwards and lose my footing...... and there you are ...... bending down ... reaching...... to assist me once again, as you reach and assist each and everyone of your precious children. Lent is a time that many people place different meanings upon.” *(Mary) “What I offer you and have offered you from the very beginning is but a taste         it’s the sweetness of a love that shed every drop of His blood for your

eternal life. Be at peace all children of God........... for we still journey but a little
while longer.”

(*Pat’s Commentary: We as Christians hold various views of Lent and just what that may entail for each of us. It has become more and more evident during this walk with Our Lord that Lent is a time of Mercy. Never more, in my very brief awareness of the Mercy of God, and what that really means, has Lent taken on a more enlightened meaning. I have personally always acknowledged this was a time of ......... at the very least...... doing with less. It has not been until the Holy Spirit has brought me the awareness that it is a time of Mercy...... yes, doing with less personally, but more importantly doing more for our fellow brothers and sisters. It is an eye opening experience and personal belief that Lent is a life long process of doing for others. Perhaps, we have just become more lulled into conditioning ourselves for forty days of our meager sacrifices and then “business as normal”. I feel more than ever before we are living in the time of Christ’s mercy and we had better re-evaluate our thinking along these direct lines. We too, are Christ’s messengers of mercy......... that’s twenty four hours a day......... seven days a week. What a sight that would be......... a world of Christ’s mercy and peace! God bless you now and always! )
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.