March 15, 2002

(Mary) “My dear children,

I call each of you this night to join with your Mother..... to join your heart with mine... .that we may draw strength from one another for that which is about to come. I spoke of this Lent and what it would entail..... it has been a different journey for many    but it has not been a journey without pain and without

suffering. You suffer in many ways, My precious ones........... the suffering of the
mind.....the suffering of the heart.....the suffering of the body. In which do you suffer and in which part of this part of this suffering do you joyfully offer to My
Son? We have watched you through this journey, but not only us... but those

whom you cannot see have observed all your actions........ all your struggles. You
have not gone through this alone. My dear children, choose your words in a loving way that your actions may exemplify your words.....meaning you say what you  mean. Truth has been tested more this Lent than in the last few years. It is time that you, My beloved faithful warriors face anxiety and all its complications and lay each and everyone before Me and My Divine Son. You are My warriors and through you actions many conversions will take place. You must be faithful …...  you must be persevering precious souls of God. He comes first and then everything will fall into its proper place. Perhaps not as you would have chosen ….    but as God has deemed appropriate for this time in your lives.”

(Mary) “How many questions ........  I am besought by so many questions”.

(Pat) “Mother, why has this happened ..... .why has this been allowed?” [Her own response] “ For the grace of God.....that is all you need to know.”

(Visual) “ I see a hill...... not exactly a mountain ... and it is not really steep... just taking its place coming into view...... not much to look at ... just stones and plants... not a thing of real beauty as we might think of it...... and there is a large rock... a stone, perhaps, but not large and upon I t sits our Dear Mother. She is all in lights...... not as bright as I have seen Her before but Her head is down and I cannot see Her features In the distance, way in the distance. I see three crosses...... they are very faint and I know they are crosses. Our Mother...... gently, slowly lifting Her head. I can see distinctly the eyes... the eyes that say so much but still She calls us with just the motion of Her eyes. The eyes are different than I have ever seen...... they are very intent...... very strong... yet filled with so much love and I understand It’s our Dear Mother’s preserving love for Her children that gives Her the strength and courage to call each of Her children throughout the world to come ...... to walk in the steps of Her Son.................... for
soon the crosses will be more visible and the time will be more difficult as well. We must join together... hold on to one another... be strong... be faithful as our Dear Mother has asked. Mother, Holy Mother of God... of such love and of such strength... we will not fail Thee, but follow Thee where ever Thou shall lead us.”
  • Hits: 3497

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.