September 6, 2002 (Our Lady speaks)

“My dear children

Tonight I wish to extend to each and everyone of you an invitation ... an invitation to holiness. This invitation is now being prepared and it will soon be given to each of My precious children.

What is an invitation to holiness, but to dwell in the Divine Will of Almighty God. This invitation ..... written in blood the precious Blood of My Son......................................................... isnow being recorded. For all must be prepared for this great festivity......... this great

joining of souls ........ to praise, honor and love Almighty God. Are you ready to
hold out your hand ..... to receive this invitation? What is written, My children?

Are there dress codes and other stipulations............. no, My children. You come asyou are with a joyful heart ........ a pure heart. (tongues) Yes, My daughter......... the

date has not been completed.......... nor the hour........ for each shall receive the
invitation according to God’s plan for their lives.

(Tongues) All those, My children, who bear much sorrow and much suffering
for trials seem so much greater for some more than others ........ do not be
deceived … for many have learned to hide deeply within themselves their sorrows … that others may see only the joy                only the love of Jesus. Is that not all
that matters .......  that you love My Son and share that love with all your brothers

and sisters? My heart goes out to each of you ......  for I see what lies deeply within
and Your Mother embraces you, holds you so closely that surely you may feel the

beating of My heart......... when your trials and sufferings are for those whom you
love. Come, My children, prepare yourselves. It is the inside that must be

prepared. Are your garments clean.......... have you sought reconciliation with God?
Then be about the business of My Son with a pure heart and a clear conscience that nothing will disturb your peace.

My precious children I have spoken these words so that you will remember as time goes by              remember the Mother that stood in your midst................ that heldyou ... . loved you ...  and sang to you. Now you, My precious warriors, sing to

My Son with a heart of joy............. a melody of love. You do not need to read music
..... for He reads your heart which is a melodious chiming of love.”

(Visual): She stands in a white gown with a white mantle trimmed in golden lights ... all lights ... so beautiful and I see a large heart ... and from this heart their starts to come ...... I want to say an envelope. It is gold ... but the letters are red. She very sweetly and ever so tenderly reaches to receive the envelope. She glances ... smiles and searches for the face of the one who is named on the envelope ... which is the invitation ... the call from God. She passes each one out as She sees them. Not everyone is receiving an envelope. [Mother, I do not understand] Is this not a festivity where all are invited?...... and She says ...“Yes, My child, all are invited, but all are not yet prepared. Pray and be reconciled so that you may receive this precious invitation.”

Is it at life’s end that we receive this invitation, Mother? It’s an invitation to God’s Kingdom ... an invitation to the banquet where our Lord stands ready to welcome all of His children. People are so happy ...... look at the smiles ...... the serenity. There must be music. It is so beautiful ...... oh, let us all prepare ...... let us be ready ... for time is so short ...... and there is still so much to do. We do not want to miss our chance. Prepare you hearts and hold up your hands praising God that He may place this invitation within your hands.
  • Hits: 3338

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.