April 4th , 2003

(The following message was received during the Friday night Canyon Rosary at Mary’s Knoll. The visual given in this message continues to follow the Passion of Christ as indicated by Jesus in the messages of 3-14; 3-21; and 3-28,03. The text style has been contrasted to clarify the conversations.)(Jesus) “Did I not say My Child.......... there would be more difficult times ahead?”(Recipient) “Yes My Lord ... ...and I have tried to avoid these times. I have tried because You have taken me there before and I was unable to help. I was unable to do anything but bring Thee comfort. And what little comfort it was with this poor soul. But my heart is yours ...and wherever You lead me this night I shall follow. I shall run if You run ahead of me ......and I shall catch up with Thee ....and together ... together this night, we will remain as one.”

“What do you see?”

“I see the scene where You left me before ... at a deep dark stench filled dungeon into a starlit sky, but void of any sign of life.”

“Listen carefully.”

“So many voices ... there’s so many voices My Jesus ...... but I can’t see them. And now you are bound ... bound once again and in Your pain and sorrow You struggle forth. What would Thou have Me do?”

“I would have thee be My faithful servant who loves and forgives. I would have you hear the words that torment My very soul. I would have you see the marks upon My Body. I would have you see the glaring lights of the eyes of My children as they penetrate with hatred and I would have you turn all of this into love.”

“My Jesus ......We are heading to Pilate. (sigh) ... No cross, no cross, My Jesus. I should carry the cross. I am the one ...... I am the one. Not Thee O Loving Savior.”

“And where are all of My Faithful Ones who followed Me and stayed with Me all these years? Whom I taught and brought to fulfillment in their mission while my life was still meant to be upon this earth? Look do you see them?”

“ I see some familiar faces. Mainly women and the little ones. And I see a very frail young man (John) who peers behind a column to catch a glance of Thee. And I see that your eyes meet, but there are no spoken words. Such love ... My Lord, such love. Would Thou teach me how to love in all this adversity ... in all this turmoil ......when I know what’s going to happen! How My God do I ...... to love and feel the pain ... and turn the pain to joy?”“There’s a door. I don’t know where I am. I knock on the door and there’s no answer. But the door slowly opens ... and I see .... I see You My Mother all dressed in very dark blue. Such strength You must have. And the young one (John) ... who hid behind the pillar and followed You, is with You. (Mother) ...and I hear.”“That He (John) must be strong. That he must be forgiving as The One he loves so intensely forgives.”“I hear a conversation ... like questions”. “where is He now ......what have they done? Tell me ... tell me truthfully.” “He suffers, ... but He is bearing up.”

(Mary to John) “My Son, I desire only the truth .....and the full meaning of the truth. For know I have walked this journey with Him .....and felt the pain .....the

sorrow and the shame. We must go now ....but first this table.” “There’s a table ... a cloth ... cup ... some utensils. She says”.“Take these .....gather them carefully .... put them away. We will hide them here in the shelf and then we will hurry. We must hurry .....we must be quick.”“Everything is done so quickly. The door opens and He leads Her down this path from this little house.”“Oh God ...... (sigh ... sigh) .... He already carries His Cross. This cross which should be mine, He carries. And I search for His face ... and the blood has blurred His vision .. and His hair is mangled ... and His beard is torn. But His eyes ... His eyes are radiant. It is as though He were saying with just the look of His eyes.”“It is almost over … almost complete now. But though My journey here will
soon end ....yours will continue. And you must lean to love as I love ..... to

forgive as I forgive .........  to embrace those that would turn their back on you.
Allow them to feel the beat of Our Hearts that say” “I love You.” “ Do not concern yourself with what shall follow .....for we have been there before. But each time you take this journey you will learn a new lesson .... a new way of life.... a new way to separate yourself from the ways of this world into a world of spiritual life. It is there where you will dwell with Me .... spiritually My Child .... without fear and complete control. For I dwell within you. I am your strength. Trust Me, but do not leave Me. For these journeys are most important.”

“He stumbles ... He stumbles. His knees ... His right knee is torn. The bone barely exposed. And His Cross rubs against the rough stones causing more pain, more affliction. I want to run .... I want to run not away ... I want to run to You. I want to run. I want to kiss that cross. I want to help You My Lord. Let me carry my piece ..... my piece of the cross. For I shall follow You wherever You shall go. Just say the word My Lord. For I am but your child who runs after the one she loves.”(After the conclusion of the Rosary the recipient of the message was directly told by Jesus to speak to the group to clarify certain parts of the visual message. The recorded talk transcribes as follows:)“I can remember that Our Lord was actually taking us through the Passion and not only allowing us to see the horror of what was happening, but to learn, to learn a lesson somewhere in that particular episode of what He was talking about. Tonight what struck me, when we had come out of the dungeon area and we were on the street, just Jesus and myself and He said” “Listen what do you hear” “you hear all of these voices and the sad thing is these voices were calling out all kinds of blasphemies, all kinds of terrible things. They weren’t singing Hosannas in the Highest, they were calling Him terrible, terrible names. These were people OurLord loves, healed, embraced and in an instant of time, it seemed as so every evil had been released, to come into the hearts and souls of these people that erased the beauty of God’s love for that instant. That He had to as part of His journey feel the rejection, even though He loved and He knew at the time that these people were so grateful and how much they loved Him. I was listening to the voices. I couldn’t discern what was being said, but He told me that these were people that He had healed. The blind He gave sight, the lame that walked. All of these precious people, they weren’t shouting” “Save Him, save Him, save Him”. “It was an unleashing of Satan’s desire to take us away from Our Lord, to allow us not to see that love is the most powerful thing there is and Jesus who sits upon that wall (references the mural in the prayer room at Mary’s Knoll) who holds (in His hands) that cross, Chapel, Madonna, who hangs upon the crucifix, is the same loving God that listened to all of these people, that listens to us today. We’re all guilty. We all have a moment that we wish we had not said something that came out wrong. It came out the way we wanted it to, but it hurt somebody and above all it hurt God. So each night if we’re just learning a slight lesson, I praise God for that. I praise God that in the hour of insignificance, in the dust that we are, He loves us so much to have gone through such horror for each and every one of us and I pray that we find that love, that we never stop searching for that unconditional love that draws us closer to Him and to each other. I praise you Jesus and God bless each of you.”
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.