February 7th , 2003 

“My Dear Children,

I come this night to restore your courage and strengthen your trust in Jesus. Look at your world      how many attempts have been made to touch the hearts ...the
open souls .....the laborers in the field of God’s harvest? Dear sweet children

you need not worry  ...you need not fear ....for these are not of God and as you have opened your heart to Jesus you have received His strength and His courage to bear the banner. The banner ....the lamb .....shall go before you into this battle for souls.

Many ask ... where is my peace? Wherever I turn there is nothing but destruction. Nothing but negative thoughts words and deeds. But I tell you ......your peace ..... the peace of Jesus is your protection. For when Christ really reigns in your heart ......when it is not just mere words uttered from your mouth .....but a true conversion .....where the peace of Christ reigns ....then nothing will disturb your peace. God loves you. He has sent Me to tell you of such love through all these years. But many ears have been blocked and hearts have been closed. But now ..... now as My Son too joins me .....hearts will be opened  .....ears will hear, for ears will hear the truth and that truth will set you free. You do not escape the trials and tribulations of life .....nor temptations .....but by prayer and trust in the Mercy of God ....you learn gradually to overcome such weakness and to become strong vital soldiers      in the battle for souls.

My Children …..when you are insulted ................. .when you are put down.........
when you are made to feel so insignificant …remember God’s words to look  deeply within the soul that confronts you and find that particle .... that love which is of God and focus on that .....which belongs to God and you will find courage. You will find the peace to love as God loves. Your world stands upon a precipice
and it is only through much devout prayer ........... will destructive circumstances beavoided. But rest assured My Children .... precious children of God............ that you

are His .....and His love shall overcome all .............. for life itself is but temporal. It is
the soul .....fill your soul with the love of Christ ....with the love of brothers and
sisters. Go beyond the necessary .....far beyond until it literally hurts to love. For then you know you have reached a great, great gift of God. You have truly learned to love ....when love seemed impossible.

(Tongues) My words are now heard throughout the world. Reflect upon them. Reflect with joy         pray for discernment that you will find the true meaning that
God intends for each and every soul. You are truly blessed ... . for We are here
....always with you .... always to comfort you and to strengthen you. But you  must find time for us ... you must find time for Jesus. He awaits you every moment of every day .......find time and you will find the strength you need to persevere in this journey of life. Rest in peace ...for I place My mantle over each of you. Precious children ..... rest in peace .... rest.”
  • Hits: 3718

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.