February 14th , 2003

 (Recipient) “Sweet Holy Mother ...... what has Thou to say to us this night?”“What do you see within My Children ... .what do you see buried deeply within their hearts? Daughter ... the gifts you have been given ........................................................................................................... the pain that you
carry .....the pain that you carried through joy of loving and embracing each of God’s children. Your heart touches the minute pain of each and every soul ...and I come to you this night that we together shall comfort each other.”
“Mother I am so unprepared. When I pray, I pray in parables and tongues and nothing seems to make sense and yet everything makes sense. It’s the beautiful words that flow and I know they praise Almighty God for everything that He has given us. For the friends ... for the trials ... for the perseverance ... the ability to call His name. To say Jesus ... I need You Jesus. How else am I to survive without Thee?”

“Little daughter.......... you have chosen well. For it is Jesus who brings the healings
to the many wounds that are gathered here this night. Some things so simple ....
others cut deeply with the wounds of sorrow. How My Daughter do we heal these wounds?”

“We pray and ask Jesus ......we're His children ...His family ......we pray together. We love Him ...we search for Him .....and even though at times He hides from us ...and we have to look so ... so diligently to find Him ...and our lives and prayers become so dry that we no longer wish to pray. But we know that He is there and He is only testing us [sigh] always there loving us ...always encouraging us. So we pray ...... is that right Mother?”“Prayer My Child is the instrument of God........... used to heal the hurting world.
Each of you must encourage one another when times are difficult. For God’s love

is so great .....and He strengthens each of you with just enough ........ just enough

love  ….just enough tenderness to touch the most hardened heart. Talk to Him
...ask Him what He would have you do. This is a time of intimacy between you and your Father. Do not be afraid to come to Him. Look how much He loves you and awaits your presence ....awaits your conversation. How dearly He loves you .... and how His heart aches when that love is not returned.”

“We shall help Mother ... we shall pray more ... we shall become a family connected to the love of God. We shall pray daily for one another. Daily for Our Dear Holy Father as He leads His Church through a time of great turmoil. But yet shall come a great rebirth and a great time of joy. So fear we do not. Persevere we shall. Is there anything else Mother?”

“Love My child ....never forget to do everything out of love. Love heals..... though everything may disappear .....love shall remain. For God is love and you

are His Children .....chosen .....named and called into His service. Come with a joyful heart ....and the pain that you carry will slowly dissipate ....and you will find the peace ...the peace you must bring to a world that hurts so deeply. Pray My Daughter.”

(Extensive tongues) “We come before thee Lord ...You are precious, Lord. We bow before thee and ask of Jesus ...for that grace to preserve. The grace to be vessels of Your love ...void totally of ourselves ...and filled completely with You and Your love.”“Well done My Child........... well done.”(Visual) “Beautiful butterflies ...... Do you hear their wings? They alight on each one’s shoulder. The whole room turns blue. Pale blue with glistening lights. For the Holy Spirit is amongst us. He desires to bring His healing power amongst us. Let us be open to His will. Let us listen carefully to His voice. They [butterflies] flitter around Our Blessed Mother. She watches them and smiles as She sees the others land upon Her precious children. They’re so unaware of the grace they have been given this night. A gift ... a gift from Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother.”
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.