January 10th , 2003

(Recipient) “Help me to see. What is it you wish me to see and see correctly and describe the details and the beauty? There appears to be a most beautiful tabernacle suspended in the heavens. All in lights of gold and white and the door ...... a door...... but the door is closed. Help me mother that I might understand. Multitudes and multitudes of Angels surround the tabernacle that is so brilliant that I can barely look. Oh my Jesus...”

“My Dear Children,

You asked for wisdom that you might understand that God would counsel you and draw you into His heart, where you would learn of the beauty that dwells in each and every heart. For each of us is indeed a Tabernacle where Christ the Lord dwells. The Tabernacles of many hearts have been closed ... .for they have lost the faith .....they have lost the power of spiritual communion with My Son.”

“Dear precious children,

These times are so great that you must learn............ you must take advantage ofevery opportunity God gives you........... the tabernacle of your heart. Receive My

Son.......... for He may dwell with you forever and as you attend Holy Mass...........

that tabernacle of your heart opens to receive Jesus the Savior......... . who wishes
to do all in his power to bring peace into the lives of each of His children. When
Christ dwells with you and within you there is His peace .......... there is His

Strength. There is perseverance to continue when life becomes so difficult. For
He sees the hearts that fling open the door to receive Him and those that remain closed. Pray My children for your world is in need of much prayer. For God must
truly reign in the hearts of each and everyone of His children. For love must flow ........ the love of God must become so brilliant in each heart that all will know that Christ lives and dwells within you.

You ask so many questions. (tongues) It is not just you My Child who feels the emptiness .... the loneness .....the uncertainties of life. But many throughout the world that struggle to do the will of God and remain at peace in doing just that

............... trusting in His mercy. For it is only in trusting in the mercy of God that
peace is restored to your soul ....that the light of love burns brightly within you.

For there is no longer fear, but only joy. Do you trust your parents......... do you

come to them with your problems? Yes many do............. but there are those who are
frightened to reveal the simple things of life which have led them astray and therefore they neglect the wise counsel of their parents.

God calls you His children. He calls you out of love and out of this, love and obedience. Come to Him .....share all with Him. Let Him love you, forgive you and embrace you for all eternity. Again My children it is your choice. Is the
door of the tabernacle of your heart open and ready to welcome My Son?”

  • Hits: 3666

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.