January 23, 2003

(The following message was received Thursday evening prior to retiring for the evening. It was verbally dictated thus there is no audio of this particular message. It was initially thought this was a private message; however after viewing a video of Matthew Kelly on Friday afternoon, it was discerned Our Lady intended forthis to be Her message to us for the week. It was not totally surprising as ill health continues to try and discourage us from “pursuing souls for God”; however, it only intensifies our efforts as His grace sustains us.)

My dear children,

Open your hearts to receive God’s graces of love, strength and perseverance. For you must be bound to the Will of the Father to walk with wisdom and discernment in these times of spiritual disruption and confusion. Here lies the confusion which separates you from “spiritual reality” and “human skepticism”.

The Father calls you to Divine Love . The building blocks formed by trust in His mercy and the awareness of His justice as dispersed throughout time. This momentous time of mercy is God’s precious gift to mankind, but it is sadly being suppressed by weakened trust   a virus of uncertainty ............................... attacking a
world driven by selfish ambition and success.

My precious ones, the path ahead is lined with grace filled opportunities of love and suffering ...... simply for love itself. Each new day of life is not only a precious gift of love, but one of glorious sacrifices for souls. Pray, My children, for loving perseverance for souls. Bind each suffering and sacrifice to the Passion of Christ and feel the exaltation of true love for souls for the Kingdom of God.”

  • Hits: 3726

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.