July 4th, 2003

(This particular evening has been an early inspiration by Our Blessed Mother to reference the passage in Scripture in Psalm 86. This being the date in which our country celebrates its independence from tyranny must also become a date firmly planted in our hearts and minds that it must represent a date of awakening of our dependence on Almighty God. It is through the direction of the Holy spirit and the urging of the Holy Spirit that the following is meant to be shared by all those whose hearts are open to the urging of the Spirit. As you read the following, please pray to this same Holy Spirit for discernment. Even though these words are for all practical purposes those of the recipient, they are shared without quotation marks.  The word “reflection” was clearly placed in my heart and mind and thus the following came into being.)

During Mass today, our Pastor reflected as he often does with direct eloquence on a Nation.  Our country, founded strongly by faith- filled men and women who understood, apart from God we are nothing. Our Constitution guarantees us the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It , however, as Father stated does not insure our happiness, only the right to pursue it. What is happiness to one may be total boredom to another. However, a Christ centered life is one of indescribable joy. He fills the voids, renews our courage to believe and centers us deeply in His Mercy, all the while dispelling fear.

His “words” make everything so “clear”. Let us always open our hearts to His love. Maybe we will feel only a little trickle at first. But keep believing and trusting  until that faith becomes an ocean, cascading down the mountain as a waterfall into the valley below where all will be immersed into this great Miracle of Mercy. May God bless this country as we, His little children, pray for “the open void” in our country to be filled with the true love of Christ!  Later during the 3rd decade of the Rosary an eight minute visual was recorded as experienced by the recipient. It graphically described a multitude of people following the sound of that of an American Revolutionary war drummer. Originating  in much earlier times it matured into current times. Visible to more than one was a banner waving with the sign of the lamb. At the head of the multitude was a woman in Blue and finally the shoeless drummer was visible as the Child Jesus. This same symbolic banner and marching multitude was seen and described by a priest two days prior at Mary’s Farm  in the canyon.
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.