June 20th, 2003

 “My Dear Children,

Intimate fellowship with God is the beginning of understanding of total abandonment to self where not even a shadow lingers reminding you of time once spent ……wasted and gone forever. It is the springtime of the soul which longs only to do and abide in the Will of God. Such souls are refreshed by reparation, love and mercy, and when mixed together form a most delightful honey. Sweet to the taste of Him who longs for consolation by His chosen ones.

You, little ones ….who wage such wars against the repugnance of sin …..must in your own wretchedness …raise high the Standard of Righteousness as you continue the battle for souls.

 God loves you. Endear yourselves to His heart and find lasting peace.”

(Commentary by recipient) In this particular message Our Lord encourages us to recognize the absolute need to  re-evaluate our personal relationship with Him. True life with Christ fills the voids left by attachments to a world in which all in it will at some point die. “All are ashes” as the Bible says and will return to same. We are called to a greater life. That of perfection of the soul. It is a state in which we can only strive to attain while on earth. This is what we as Christians are called to do. “Be perfect as I (Jesus) am perfect.” How we attain that perfection is through purification ……not a pleasant thought to some, but necessary in the eyes of Our Lord. If we could only see with the eyes of Divine Love, our thoughts of purification would not be ignored, but embraced as a true gift from God. Though brief, this message will require time and discernment as it will speak to many hearts and perhaps reveal different perceptions as each of us journey through life.

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.