March 14th, 2003

Again this year as we journey into Lent we are blessed with a renewed graphic journey following The Passion of Jesus Christ.

(Jesus) “My Children,

What are earthly possessions …..but just that. Possessions that shall turn to dust ……leaving the true teeth into which we shall enjoy the meal of truth. Truth and love shall prevail, dust shall scatter …….but love and truth shall remain forever.I have questions for you this night. Questions that each must discern in their own hearts. As I speak …… I will listen to the response from your heart. What do you say when you see your Savior . . ..about to be sacrificed for you and for all sinners?

What do you say Little Children of Mine? Are you the seed that will be planted as I too will be planted .....and shall you .... as Children of God bring forth the shoots of new life ….new hope thanksgiving to Almighty God .....or are you the children that have been lulled asleep and missed the opportunity to receive the graces that God has showered upon you …...because you have been obsessed with the love of self and of possessions. Think my children …..think of the souls in need of Harvesting. Think as you grow ….as the seed within your souls grows and matures .....and is filled with the love and the life of God. Think of those souls. Love them, caress them .....bring them to the Table of Plenty where God Himself shall shower them with His Divine Love ….and once showered with Divine Love .....there is no other path ….there is only the path to love and to forgive.

Children you must journey with Me this Lenten season ......for I shall take you places where you have not been. I shall show you things you have not seen. Look into the depths of your heart. See a garden surrounded by small trees                see the
stars in the skies and see Me on My knees asking My Father if this is His will. For
Thy will be done Father ... not as I would have it ...... but as You, My Father commanded.

Are you ready … hear the whispers of love ……which God gives to each of
you  ...and are you willing with a joyful heart sprout forth the joy and the
compassion for your brothers and sisters? Do you think that it was easy for Me as
I came into the garden ......knowing My Disciples would sleep  ……and yet therewas work to be done.............. salvation depended upon it. My Father sent Me I was to fulfill His purpose.” ( Tongues)

“When you contemplate My prayerful time with My Father.............. when I asked in
silent prayer to be spared this cup and yet I knew that My Father’s will must be
obeyed ..... could you not see the turmoil ..... the meticulous beatings of My body ..... in which flesh was torn ..... and yet there was a purpose. My children, your flesh is not torn as mine ...but your crosses are heavy .....and I ask you to walk with Me .....and we will carry our crosses together to Almighty God. Let us give Him thanks and praise for the love He has for each of us. We are all called ..... it is how we respond that makes the difference. Be filled with the patient understanding joy that God pours forth upon you during this time. Pray My children. Pray for courage ....pray for understanding .....but above all pray for love. For as I said .....all will pass away ...but love. Divine Love will remain

forever …..and I bless each and every one of you …….in the name of The
Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit.”

(Visual by recipient): I was allowed to see Jesus take a piece of His clothing and wipe the blood that had emitted from His body. Jesus then took the cloth and placed it beneath the rock out of sight. He knew what lay before Him and He wished to cause no further consternation to His beloved disciples. Jesus then acknowledged Himself to His pursuers as the One they were seeking.
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.