March 28th , 2003

(The following message was received during the Friday night Canyon Rosary at Mary’s Knoll and has been transcribed from the audio recording. The realistic [by body movement from the recipient] visual given in this message continues to follow the Passion of Christ as indicated by Jesus in the messages of 3-14; and 3- 21, 03. We urge you to pray to the Holy Spirit for discernment as you read the following. )

“My Child,

Tonight we again continue our Lenten journey. This is a recognized place for you.”

[Recipient visualizes a dungeon] “Yes My Lord. But it is one that brings great wounds to my heart.”

“But thou must have courage now child ........ for you shall find some meaning as
we take this journey.”

“It is always so dark and dense ... and so difficult to see. It’s so dim ...  the lights ...... barely enough to see. I have to feel the wall.”“Then feel the wall .......... and what do you feel?”“The stones ... moist ...damp ... but mostly the darkness. I can’t see the steps very well ... so I have to cling to the wall.”“And what is different this time my child?” (Jesus reference a similar dungeon view given last year)“This time I will not run .... I will not leave Thee .... I will come to comfort Thee. And each stone that I will touch ...... will remind me of a temptation that Your grace averted. Then I shall count them as precious jewels for souls. But you’re no longer beside me.”

“But I have not left you.”

“I know. It’s getting a little brighter. I think my eyes are becoming a little more accustomed to this ...... the dimness of the lights. I can make out what appears to be cells. Even though I see ... the stench has never left. The stench is still the same and I fear I shall be sick. Oh My Lord ... what have they done ... what have they done?”“Here My Child........... “I am looking....”“Further down......... “I will not run .... I will come....”“You have found Me my loved one.......... “But there’s a door ... I cannot see! Just barely ... Oh ... My God ......”

“Look not at the wounds.......... but concentrate on the face of love. Do you see
your wounds inflicted upon My Body?”

“There are so many ... but I know mine are amongst them ...”

“And does that mean I love thee less? I called you to comfort Me ... to spend a few moments with Me in My agony where I might hear the sweetness of your love.”

“My Jesus ...... My Jesus. If I could but kiss each wound ...... to bring thee relief ... to bring thee healing ...... I would do so. But who am I but this frail creature who loves thee ... but yet is incapable.”

“It is enough to know that you bring comfort to Me. Because you bring me your heart bring Me your love …...and that alone will sustain Me. It is time for
you to leave. For you must gather your strength. For more difficult times are ahead and I need your prayers. I need the love of My simple creatures .... My children who love Me and repent. For they see the stench is not the surrounding

areas of filth ......... but it is the stench of sin itself which will be cleansed and
purified by every drop of My Blood. Bid Me farewell as we gaze into each others
eyes ..........  for we shall meet again My Child.”

“I do as Thy say ....... But I would stay with Thee and I would comfort Thee.” “Obedience 

“Yes ...... I will do as Thy say. It’s so difficult to walk back. It’s as though I’ve had some potion to drink that binds me that I cannot feel ...... that I cannot touch and ...... I find the wall ... just enough light to see the steps ......and I struggle up the stairs and I envision You, My Lord, as you must struggle up these stairs with all the wounds. Even Thy poor feet ... to feel every pain ... to feel all that we have brought upon You. But yet there is a great over powering sense of grace. My Lord, I love Thee and I shall do whatever Thou asks. It is not important now that I understand. For surely my poor mind could not. But I wrap Thee in my love ... and I leave Thee. But only for a short while ... until we are joined together. I seem to touch the top step and it is as though I am standing outside on a clear street. No one ... no vehicles ... no carts ... no horses. I am standing there and I lift my head.”“Father are my Father too. Strengthen your Son for He is our only chance to be with You one day in eternity.”
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.