October 10th, 2003

(Tongues)  “Yes My Child ……so many wounded souls ……so many souls in despair and so many souls that shall be healed and filled with joy this night.”

Tongues between our Blessed Mother and recipient  in which the recipient asked Our Mother if it was now time for Her to verbalize Her message for all to hear. She replied to recipient.) “I will Speak now My Child.”

“My Dear Children,

Once again I stand amongst you, looking into every heart. Gazing at the  pain, the sorrow and the joy which this week has brought. And tonight as a mother I ask you, out of love for Me and My Son, to shed your tears of suffering and add them to Ours, as We suffer much for mankind. Now My Children, is a most difficult time ….. a time when all must follow the light of Christ. That there are so many obstacles to distract ….. to blur the vision. You must pray and you must pray frequently, with great intensity. Pray My Children …… pray in the quiet solitude of your heart, where only you and Jesus shall meet and He shall calm your fears, renew the joy in your heart, strengthen you and prepare you, for what lies ahead. I have not come these many years with so many messages, without a purpose. For surely you know that God has a purpose in all He does. You are My prayerful warriors. We place Our trust in you. When We ask for prayers, We know, We receive them and those prayers, though you do not see, are used in so many ways, to save a soul that is in danger of being lost.

Souls My Children are your key position ….your key job in this life …. to love and to serve …… to gather souls for Jesus. The path is difficult I know. My Son walked it. I followed in His footsteps and now you too are called to do the same. Do not  reject this mission that God has chosen you to do and when I speak I do not speak only to this group, My beautiful children who gather here so faithfully... I  speak to the world …… a world that must  change …. a world that must become one of love and one of forgiveness. For time runs quickly.  Again the hour glass is sifting so fast My children you do not realize how quickly time passes. You are called to do much in a short period of time ……but you are called because you are faithful …….because you trust. You trust not only in the justice of God, but you trust in His mercy. Believe My Children, trust Him ….love Him ….for He is the light that leads to eternity. He is love ….pure love and as love He opens His arms and then His heart and says;” “Welcome My beloved faithful children.”  

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.