September 19th, 2003

(This visual narration was given through the recipient and recorded during the Friday night Rosary. Much group prayer could be heard in the background. The verbal narration was followed by a short unexpected message. Our Lady had previously stated due to the health of the recipient She might not give a public message.  Again we ask you to pray to the Holy Spirit and discern as you read the following.)

(Tongues) (Visual - Pat)  “The sky is coral ……with hues of purplish blues …… touches of gold and in the center is a huge cross. Upon the cross is Our Lord …… but He smiles in His agony. He smiles and watches. I must be to the side of Him. For I am able to see a huge valley with multitudes of crosses. Different colors though. I’m not sure what that represents, but you can see the track where the cross has been carried. Some have dug so deeply into the earth that the soil has left a great crevice. A great crevice has been left from this beautiful soul which endured much to get to the foot of The Cross of Christ. It’s all neatly arranged beneath His Cross. It’s something of awesome beauty, yet great holiness and as each cross comes I do not see the soul that carries the cross. But it is as though there is a niche into which each cross precisely fits. And over and over I hear chimes, beautiful chimes. It’s a harmony of the angels and the souls that sing together in praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God.

Oh how much He loves us. See the beauty in the depths of His eyes that are endless pools of love. He doesn’t speak but with a glance of His eyes He welcomes each of His children who have faithfully borne their cross and exchanged that cross for a crown. There’s no longer a figure on the cross. The cross fades …… there’s a huge most glorious throne. My eyes cannot behold what sits upon the throne,  for it is too bright …but beautiful. And each of these souls now carry their precious gifts and lay them before the Throne of God. It’s almost as though you can hear the cheers. A  heavenly cheering team that says well done and all these names ring out ……the names of each one who has carried their cross ……exchanged it for a crown and now presents it to Our Lord. How beautiful. Thank you My Lord that You allow us to struggle…… to know that glory awaits all Your children.  A strong burst of light; nothing is left but sweet fragrances and a sense of serenity which words cannot describe.

“Come to me …..all you who are burdened and I shall give you rest”.

(An extensive conversation in tongues followed that was not recorded. A voice was then heard referencing Jerry not recording the given tongues.)

“Why have these tongues not been recorded, My son…..for one day they shall be interpreted and you shall see their meaning?.”  

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.