September 26th, 2003

( At approximately 8:00P.m. while in meditation in our Hereford home, I (the recipient) heard “wake up My child” and was instructed to write the following message as dictated. Being ill, I was unable to attend the Friday night Canyon Rosary and was somewhat disappointed. For this visit was by a dedicated out of state group had been planned for some time. Physical problems had continuously plagued me for the last three consecutive weeks. However, God works in mysterious ways and His ways are always perfect.)

“My Dear Children,

I hear the whispers in your hearts that She shall not come tonight. But you, My precious children … with all the spiritual baggage in your hearts for healings, intercession in family and financial matters ………for the strength and courage and commitment to God of your total self ……that in itself shows you walk by faith. A faith well lit by the Holy Word of God and by the traditions of our Holy Church. For though centuries have long passed, we still speak to each and every heart. Some, yes, require much tender molding marked fragile handle with care. While others receive His word and are drawn to truth. One does not hide from the truth, as truth seeks in every absorbing opportunity to be a way of witnessing to the Life and Love of Jesus Christ.

So this night these are words of peace and joy. You have not come to see the messenger but to hear the message. Mark well my words for each here is precious to God. A Heart that longs for the salvation of others is an infinitely more precious gift. For one eventually learns you are all in the soul serving business. As you leave, may you be blessed with the presence of Our Peace. When you return, the peace you now carry will emit a fragrance of holiness to be shared with many of Our children. My peace I give to you this night”. 

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.