February 6th , 2004

(Recipient’s visual) “Sweetest Mother ... what is it you wish me to say? To bring to light the message of your love ... of prayer ...... of unity in families? What shall I say?......What I see?”“The room has grown immensely. It is filled with many people sitting upon chairs praying, singing. What they do not see is the soul that stands before them with their guardian angel whose wings wrap around this precious soul. It is a moment of enlightenment ...... a moment of great joy. Shall I tell them? Oh mother how do I tell them to see with your heart, all the pain and suffering and to see this precious soul before you now in radiant joy with his faithful companion and what has brought them here. But my dear brothers and sisters this is by your prayers ... for this is what our mother says. Is that right?”

“My dear child,

The graces that you have received are many and the graces that others will see will multiply. For this is a place of faith and thru faith many miracles come about. I wish you to pray now that all of these beautiful souls will be given the gift to see

with their hearts. The soul that stands before them and says;” “thank you for your prayers ... for it was through your intercession that my life changed.

There are bright lights fluttering ... everything is so bright. Yet so many cannot see. For so many agonize over the trials of this world and have been unable to surrender their hearts to Jesus. Through time and much faith the beauty of trust will bloom within each soul and great graces shall befall them. For they shall see with the eyes of pure love. The heart and soul for which they pray.” (tongues)

“It takes many years for a precious soul (person) to be perfected. Thus it may take many years for the most precious of all of these gifts .....the soul itself to be perfected. Pray unceasingly and pray with joy and great conviction ..... for God is truly among you working His miracles. Open your eyes as well as your hearts that you may see and believe. I bless you, as you are Our Precious Children with a great love for the souls of many. You have known your mission and you have valiantly picked up your weapons. Your rosaries, your scapulars, your precious medals and you have fought so valiantly for each and every soul. Little ones though you may be ... the power of your prayer is incomprehensible. Trust.... trust your mother ..... but most importantly .... trust My Son who loves you unconditionally.”

(Visual) “A very large fishbowl ...... it’s clear, although it’s a liquid inside and there are various pieces of different obstacles resembling moths and I see the faces of many. Many who swim contained by a world that has drawn them from you. They are in a fishbowl ...... no way out ... the same routines. So little space and yet I know mother, that by the power of The Holy Spirit, through our prayers, this bowl will become empty. For these souls too will find life without God is not life. It is simply existence in time.”(Recipient’s talk that followed Rosary)“When I was listening to the message, especially the part where we know to pray for other souls. I remembered how important it is that one day hopefully these souls will be praying for us. So when she said” “their companions the guardian angels were around them.” “That made me reflect that these were souls that are in purgatory because ...... ( I am not very knowledgeable) ... Let’s just say I believe that once we finally reach our hopefully homeward destination point of heaven that our guardian angels have completed their mission that God assigned to them and that is to watch over our soul. So if the soul is still here with their guardian angel, then I would think that, that soul is in purgatory receiving our prayers for them, because they cannot pray for themselves, but they can pray for us. So I just thought it was a beautiful way of expressing that our prayers are important and we’ve learned this so much through the study of Saint Faustina and constant prayer ......constant intercessory prayer. I don’t know that we will ever reach that level. Well, let’s just say that nothing is impossible, but there’s some doubts. That as long as we learn, as long as we try ......that’s the important thing and to give our heart completely to Our Lord Jesus Christ. And let Him do with it what He is going to do with it and He is going to melt it and He is going to mould it and He is going to form it and do whatever He wishes to save these souls. That fish bowl was empty. Near the end there was nothing but a mass of souls swimming, going nowhere and how many of us have been in a situation in life for years that we have gone absolutely nowhere. However, because of the power of prayer, at the very end the fishbowl was empty.Someone asked me a very profound question today; never asked me this before. When I became a Catholic and I always said I turned Catholic when my husband and I got married in 1984. But tonight, I said I didn’t become a true Catholic until I went to Medjugorge when I knew that something miraculous was happening. When I attended churches back here [then in Illinois] my heart wasn’t ready. This was just a monotonous routine that I had been given instructions in but it didn’t penetrate. I truly became Catholic, I truly became in love with Our Lord and Blessed Mother when I went to Medjugorge and I saw the people there that loved so much. The churches were packed. The confessional lines were so long and I felt like I didn’t belong but yet I wanted a taste of whatever they had and I wanted to keep it ......but at the same time I wanted to share it. I didn’t know how all of this was going to come about, but I praise God. For people who do not like to travel, He allowed us that one pilgrimage that opened our hearts, our minds, our bodies and souls, to Our Lord and His Blessed Mother. We became more and more in love with the sacraments. We were just like sponges that wanted to sap up everything they had for us and I praise them for that and I praise them for all these tremendous blessings and for you precious souls. You precious prayer warriors that come and pray and I know it is not just here on Friday nights that you pray, you pray every day. You all have loved ones that you pray for. We all have needs, that yes we pray for and God hears them and yes in God’s time He’s going to answer all of these prayers, in a way that we probably would have not expected. But we will be overjoyed and rejoicing in His presence and we thank Him for allowing us to see how He worked so many miracles in each and every one of our humble lives. So I thank you and I bless you for being here tonight.
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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.