February 20th , 2004

(Recipient-Tongues) Oh Mother ...why is it so dark? It’s moving in and out, in and out. Dearest Mother, have you come as a sorrowful mother? It is your sorrowful heart in which there is so much darkness. It is crowded with so many souls for whom you weep. For the souls for which you intercede that remain indifferent toward your son and yet you hold them and you pray for them as a mother holds a child that has suffered an injury. A child who is confused ...... a child who cries upon a mothers shoulder. All these are tucked in your heart. Oh mother what shall I say?”

“My daughter,

It is indeed my most sorrowful heart into which you look and see the souls of so many of my children. Souls who have turned their back or have not encountered My Son at all. And yet I, as a mother, hold them deeply within this heart ... this heart that has been pierced and will soon be pierced again. For only love, prayer and sacrifice shall restore these hearts ... these precious souls, that I may release them as a precious gift to My Son.

I will not appear with you this Lent, as previously has been my custom. For you must learn to walk in the steps of Jesus, experiencing all that life gives you at each moment that you live. For one moment brings happiness and joy. The other, great disappointment and tremendous difficulty. But notice my dear children, that each and every foot though different, still fits within the footprints of My Son. There you will find comfort in knowing you walk in the footsteps of the master. He has shown you how to live your lives with great faith, through all difficulties and he has shown you how to experience the joy that only knowing and living His will can bring.

Make this Lent a special time in your life in which you seek not only a cleansing of your soul but of many souls that God will send your way. Let them see your struggles .... but let them also see the joy with which you struggle. For it is the love of Christ that enables each and every one of you to persevere through this life. I shall be with you my children, to watch your steps ... to reach down as you stumble ..... for yes you shall stumble. But I shall not be with you [meaning no Lenten messages] in this particular sense. Is it not far greater to know, that your mother holds tightly to your hand and remains with you through this journey of life?” (tongues)“Mother there are so many who do not want to see. They do not want to hear that the love that you have for them is real. It’s the strength, a beautiful strength that you have given us to keep on going. But this world ... this world. Oh mother ...... what shall I say about this world? What shall I say that pleases thee and brings thee comfort when my heart is so dark and so sorrowful for the many souls contained there?Let us all do penance and sacrifice greatly for the many souls which our mother yearns ... to be gifted to her Son. (extensive tongues) I accept the lance. I accept all that you wish me to bear and do all your children who love you. But most importantly as always, to love Jesus. Help us mother ...... for where He has walked ......where He has walked, has been most difficult.”  

Be assured, I shall be with you, as shall the Angels to help guide you and protect you through this journey. You will see, though it be most difficult, in time, the rewards will be joyfully overwhelming.”

  • Hits: 3550

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.