January 2nd, 2004

(The following message was received and audio recorded as given thru the recipient at the Friday night Canyon Rosary at Mary’s Knoll. It was played in English and then repeated as translated into Spanish. Prior to the Rosary it was suggested by one of the group we sing “Oh come all Ye faithful” between the decades of the Rosary. Note the timing of the sequence as Mary spoke.)

(Recipient – Inaudible)     “Oh My Jesus ......Oh Mother how beautiful He is”......
“My dear children,

Praise be Jesus . . .. whom you have come to love, honor and adore. Praise be His Holy Name …….the name etched upon each and every heart that loves and
follows His words.

My dear ones,

I have come to join you ......... to praise Him. The one who has come to redeem theworld. Sing My children …..how beautiful the song. Sing joyfully that He may
hear each and every voice as it rises to His throne. You sing now before a child

born in Bethlehem ............  a child born greeting the world. Sing now for this child
walks amongst you receiving your prayers …..receiving your petitions, receiving those prayers held deeply within your heart. (At this time the prayer group was singing a stanza of Come all ye Faithful) For this is the time when His children come forth in more abundance to praise Him, to thank Him, to be filled with His joy.

Rest my children in the assurance of God’s love and in His mercy. Do not fear to come to Him in complete trust ……complete faith that He can move the mountains in your lives. Simply love as a child loves. A child who’s eyes open wide in expectation for the gift they have asked for and pray to receive. Let us rejoice always together. For He who knows all …..sees all ……is with us this night.

I bless you my children but more important............ My Son blesses you. ( A private message and conversation with the recipient followed. In this sequence there were confirmed indications the recipient’s responsibility to serve the community would continue for awhile longer. She was told to:)

“Stand firm upon the ground which you have been planted. For there you shall grow and midst the winds and midst the storms, until you are called. Where there is no fear, there is only joy and great expectations. Keep open your heart and We shall continue to fill it with our love. We shall fill it with every grace necessary in your mission to help others.”

  • Hits: 3732

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.