Christmas Message of December 19th, 2008

In anticipation of the promised visit from Our Lady at Mary’s Knoll and a Mass afterwards we found ourselves with so many pilgrims we had to seat many outside. In attendance were three priests, three Deacons and over 250 pilgrims. In a clear manner Our Lady spoke the following verbal message thru the recipient.

[Pat] “Maria” ….. extensive tongues ……extensive tongues …… “My Mother”

“My dear children,

For these many years I have been visiting you and imploring you to pray with your heart. It seems so difficult for so many to realize that praying with the heart brings you closer to the Mercy of God. Through such mercy you will find the entanglements of your life …. your struggles and disappointments ….. will become loosened and unraveled. Through this beautiful gift of mercy forgiveness and understanding comes.

My children ….. you must learn to forgive. My Son soon comes ….. My Son who forgives all. Can you not forgive at least one who has offended you? Does My heart sound sad? Perhaps to some ….. but those who understand the joy of forgiving … rejoice with Me …. as I rejoice with My Son.” [Pat] [Tongues] “I will remember ……”

“I have taken this special time … to bring with Me great gifts for each of you. Gifts that if you allow yourself to open your heart you will see …. those that stand with me before you. I tell you the archangels have joined with me this night as has My Joseph. My legion of angels surround this holy ground upon which you have set foot. As you stepped onto this ground you were blessed in a very special way ….. blessed to believe and have your faith grow ….Yes my children ….. this is a holy time. What words should be on our lips …. what praise should be in our hearts as we sing in unison” …. “Come Lord Jesus …. Come, your children eagerly await you”.

“Add to this My special desire that you pray for the church ….. especially My Priests …. fragile humans who serve with great love …. as they have been called to do the will of
God. They need your prayers …. each of them. As you look upon them ….. see My Son standing before you. Do not look upon them and see how you may have been offended. For if you truly examine your conscience … you will see that you have been guided …. not as you have been anticipating …… but as God has desired for you to learn. Learn to love and to obey.

I as the Mother …. your Mother … the Mother of Jesus ….. bless you this night and all the gifts that you have brought. I have heard your prayer [of course] … for the use of the crucifixes that are before me. Be most assured My children they carry my special blessing for healing and an increase of faith. You will know to whom they shall go …. for their hearts will believe and will seek this special blessing.

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.