Message of June 20th, 2008


Our Lady Speaks


As we came together during the weekly Friday night Rosary at Mary’s Knoll the following recorded message was given. It was apparent that Our Lady had been observing the many pilgrims in attendance as well as earlier expressions of great love [some with tears] for Our Lord and His Mother. The message was totally unexpected as an attending visiting priest requested part of the prayer team to come forward. With the apparent prompting of The Holy Spirit the message recipient went into the spirit and verbally spoke.

“What joy it gives a mothers heart to see those who come to praise my Son …. those hearts that are filled with so many trials of this earth …. are now placed in the basket …. a basket woven of love ….. and in this basket my tears drip ever so sweetly upon them. The healing will come as they are given to my Son. Weep and know that your tears are precious …. for I shall mingle my tears with yours … that they [your tears] may be fresh …. not salty but fresh …... that life will spring forth anew … then hope will grow.”“Praise My Son for He is pure love.”

It’s not salty Mother ...... It’s not salty. [Refers to a drop of moisture on recipient’s lips after message was received]

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.