Message of September 12th, 2008
The following message was received after the Friday night Rosary at Mary’s Knoll. Note as spoken in the second sentence in paragraph two: “You need not seek another when you have the gift within yourselves, to touch My heart.” It has been discerned that this is a confirmation and caution that one who comes to the shrine does not excessively focus on the recipient of the messages or any one prayer team member. The message further states “Be confident My children in your prayers ……” Is that not you?
“I am here ……. because He who is pure love has sent me. He sees the needs of all of those gathered here tonight and has taken each one into His heart. He asks them to be strong …. to be strong in their faith, strong in their courage …. but even stronger in their love for Him and for all those in need of His love. He will guide you, if you would ask Him.”
“My dear children,
Why My children do you not understand, that your prayers are so powerful before the Lord, when offered with faith? You need not seek another ….. when you have the gift within yourselves to touch My heart. Be confident My children in your prayers and rejoice with me as a child who rejoices in the approval of his father. When we seek to praise God such wondrous things happen in our lives. The trials and temptations are met by God and His most powerful sense of opposition to all those infirmities of the soul and body. In our weakness, His strength prevails. Align yourselves with God and you shall truly walk with Him, heads held high and hearts humbled. And with a humble heart you will receive many graces.
God has given each of His children a key …. a key which unlocks the chambers of His heart. You need only to approach Him with love. Insert the key that He has given you and as the door of His heart opens, He welcomes you as His precious child …. that He will guard, protect and watch grow in holiness.”
September 12th, 2008
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