Message of July 24th, 2009 (Jesus)

( Pat relates) This particular message from our Lord seems in itself to be very straight forward. It is, however, a combination of unusual circumstances which have given it extra ordinary attention, at least to the recipient. As a brief introduction, let it be known that although the majority of messages received are audio recorded, there are often internal conversations which are either meant only for the recipient, or are to be revealed at another time. Such was the case during the recording of what is now being placed on paper.

The evening was truly a blessed one as we usually have a Deacon or, at times, a visiting priest in attendance. This evening a Deacon from the Tucson area was in attendance along with some of his prayer team. Praise be Jesus! The prayer room was full and some of our usual prayer team members were unable to attend. After the rosary, we began the “laying of hands for the sick” by invoking the power of the Holy Spirit. He took over and we simply became the instruments God chose to use this evening. After everyone had received prayer, we returned to a secluded area to thank our Lord. It was during this time that He spoke the following:

“My children,

What more do you ask of me? What more can I do for you?” (It is quite rare that He would speak this way especially in the beginning of a message. When efforts were made to play back the recording, the message could not be found even though it had been recorded. After plugging the recorder into more advanced equipment, the message began right after Our Lady had spoken on Good Friday 2009. There appears to be no logical explanation as to how or why this happened; however, it would appear Our Lord was referring to His Passion and Death suffered for us, and not to the actual Good Friday message itself.

Next He (Jesus) said:
“I ask four things from each of you. Hear My voice, speak My words, share My love and gather My people. These things are crucial. Will you do them for the One who loves you …. for the One who cares?” (These words were spoken internally) – “Go back and listen to the song I have placed in your heart”*. Jesus then continued with the following paragraph:

“I have promised to always be with you …to guide and guard and protect you. Now, I ask these things of you that you may be prepared as my counselor for others that I may be shared through My word, through My love, through peace and through joy in surrendering your will to that of mine”.

*In reference to the song which seems to play continuously in my heart, let me first acknowledge that it is called HOW CAN I CALL MY CHILDREN HOME with words and music by Michael John Poirier. Although it differs slightly from what has been directly spoken in recent spiritual events, it still should be noted as a spiritual tool which the Lord is using to get our (my) attention. The words are etched into my heart.

Who will hear my voice?

Who will speak my words?

Who will share my love?

Who will gather my people?

As an additional footnote, let me interject this song was written in 1990. That wouldn’t mean much to most people. However, it was the year we went to Medugorje and the year our whole life began to change. It was also a time of great uncertainty within their country. Now, twenty years later, it is a time of great uncertainty in our own country. The words of Michael John Poirier ring very loud and clear today – How can I call my children home only to find a house divided?

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.