Message of March 27th, 2009 – Saint Michael Speaks

The following verbal message was received and audibly recorded during the Friday night rosary at Mary’s Knoll. Of interest this was the first public message given during this lent of 2009. As in the past when St. Michael speaks it’s with a powerful voice that was strong enough to be heard by many others.

"I speak at the command of My Lord. Repent, Reform and Rejoice. The Almighty has commanded these words to be spoken. During this holy time look deeply within your hearts ….. see how your offenses have caused great sorrow to the Lord who loves you.

Reform as you confess your sins … and then little ones rejoice, as he has touched and healed you thru His forgiveness. In truly learning how to love you shall know of His presence. You, will be the instruments He has chosen thru these difficult moments …. these difficult final times into which He is gathering all of his servants. Let your hearts not be troubled but be filled with the confidence that God truly loves you and truly wishes you to be with Him.

No matter what your state of life or physical being … He is with you and seeks to draw you closer to Him. Each one, no matter what the physical condition plays an important role in the salvation for mankind. For in suffering you will find the joy that God Himself found upon the cross … knowing that it was not wasted. It was a gift from God … so too, you must realize and accept that all things permitted by God are used by Him in this special way.

Wake up …. wake up and see … before it is too late. For I am not here to cause you concern … but to strengthen you … to tell you of God’s mercy and to tell you that you are armed with His love and His strength. When you say, "I am unable to do what you have called me to do", Our Lord comes to your rescue …. if you but say …. It is with your strength and your strength alone … I obey …. I follow and I surrender …. to the Holy One of God.

Peace and only peace He brings you".

(Recipient) "God is with us this night. It was He, Michael, who came as God’s Messenger". "Tongues".

  • Hits: 3742

Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.