Message of May 22nd, 2009
Our Lady Speaks

The following message was received during the “Laying of the Hands” by the prayer team after the Friday night Rosary at Mary’s Knoll.

“My Children,

The heart that remains open to the love of Jesus is an instrument that is being used to bring glory to My Son. Many hearts are closed … because the world has become a fist that grabs the heart … to prevent the love of Christ … as His holy way of entering.

You, as my holy disciples of love …. thru prayer ….. loosen the grip of the world that seeks to block My Son …. from the hearts of those He has called. In prayer and devotion to Him … thru the Holy Eucharist …. this clenched fist which surrounds so many hearts … will begin to open and free the heart that knows only love.

When it seems … that the heart can no longer function as a heart should ….. because of the tightness of the worlds anger… hatred and failure to believe in My Son, it is then My Son takes this heart and forms it into the seed. The seed appears to be dead and yet it lives. Thru your prayers … the seed will once again take roots … sprout and bear the fruit …. the fruit of Jesus.

Remember always …. that My Mantle surrounds each of My children.
You My dear ones …. even in your infirmities …. will bring great glory to God.”

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.