Christmas Message of December 20th, 2013 from Our Lady of the Sierras

On Friday evening our supporting parish priests, seven deacons and a group of 400 pilgrims gathered for a special rosary and Mass on the anticipation that Our Blessed Mother would again honor us with her on site presence. The event was again held in the large hall at the La Purisima retreat center just below the shrine of Our Lady of the Sierras. As the bi-lingual rosary was concluding, with our two parish priests in witness, the visionary went into the spirit and verbally spoke the following recorded multi part messages. (Visionary): “My Mother……”

(Mary) “My dear children,
Tonight is a special night for I wish to show you through a vision two distinct images, yet each intertwines that plays an important role in your faith and your church. Dear ones, you have gone through many trials and tribulations. You have experienced so many things in this life and yet there is more to come. With the revealing of these visions you shall find peace and joy in your hearts and the strength to continue in that joy, for that joy will become a light that brightens the world for Christ.”

(Pat) “The darkness has parted and the stars light the sky. The clouds also with the stars form what would be waves on the water and there is a large bright boat. Perhaps ship would be more appropriate. This vessel travels slowly but certainly on a course destined with hope. It appears that two large round posts (columns) protrude from the water straight up and the direction of the ship is through the columns. The columns are joined by a magnificent rainbow and upon the rainbow I would say spans almost a cloud like substance above the rainbow upon which our lady …. so bright … so beautiful … so humble yet strong …. stands as a guardian. She says:”

“ I am the Mother of the church …. I am the protector of God’s Children.” “There are angels and blue butterflies all around Her. (Sigh) … Her head lowers just slightly and there is a tremendously bright light in her womb …. (Sigh) …light… there is a child … (Sigh) … Oh my Lord … a child, Jesus is in her womb. He speaks:”

“I am the way the truth and the life. No one enters (comes to) the Father except through Me.”

(Pat) “The fabric or cloud like substance upon which Our Lady is standing begins to unravel and gently fall between the two poles guided by the angels and the butterflies. The “fabric” identified as gossamer falls as a protective shield between the poles. The large ship passes through the poles (columns) with Our Lady’s protective covering. Those ships apparently in pursuit are unable to advance through the finely woven film like fabric”.

(Mary) “There is no power on earth that is greater the finest thread in heaven”.

(Pat) “It is as through one is drifting on heavenly clouds … there is so much peace. I think my heart will burst …… Oh, My love ………..”

The following English text is transcribed from the homily given by the main celebrant of the mass that followed the message. A Spanish homily followed given by the associated pastor.

If the President of Mexico came to your door and said “I have a message for you”, I think you would be very impressed. If the Pope came to your door and said, “I have a message for you”, I think you would be very impressed. You would know that that message was terribly important if that messenger was chosen.
Yes or yes? (Yes!) If God’s messenger is Mary can you imagine how important that message must be? If God has asked His Mother to come and give the message, that is a very important message. And we who receive that message ought not only to be impressed, but willing to listen with our heart and act upon that message. Yes or yes? (Yes!) If God thought the message to Tepeyac to share that message through Juan Diego, “I am your Mother also” and God’s love for you is beyond your ability to imagine …. Let God love you to new life in Jesus. (The message). If God thought the message was so important that He sent Our Lady to Lourdes there to speak to Bernadette Soubirous, and through Bernadette to all …. Listen to what my Son is saying … Let God love you ….. Let God forgive you. Let God be in your life. Let God bring you new life in Jesus. If God thought it so important that he sent Mary to Fatima to the three children, and through those three children to the world …. Pray My children pray. Let God love you and through you let God love the world. If God thinks that message is so important that He sends through Mary as that messenger how much we must take that to heart to heed that message.

Tonight in a very special way, again Mary has brought a message from the heart of God. And the message which you have heard again and again “My dear children.” The most important part of the message is that you are loved. You are dear to God. Let God love you. She says she knows the trials and difficulties which you experience. She knows what you are going through. It is known. It is known in Heaven and there will be more … there will be more. But She says God gives you a vision to sustain you and to give you joy and She says your joy will become light. Your joy becomes a bright beautiful promise that is emitted through the joy of the Holy Spirit that is light.

The visionary saw darkness and the darkness being dispelled in stars. She saw the clouds disperse and begin to come down and take the form of waves. On the water was a large vessel, a large ship sailing and as the ship sailed on the water, two large pillars (columns) came up out of the waves. And at the top joining the pillars was a beautiful very, very bright light, a rainbow. And standing in the light above the rainbow was Our Blessed Mother. And the light was so intense that it washed over everything. And She said “I am the Mother of the Church. I am the Protector of God’s people.”

And as the vision continued, the visionary saw within Mary’s womb, Jesus. The light was so intense, that the visionary was seeing only the extraordinary light pouring from Jesus. And then our Lord spoke the words from the Gospel that you and I know “I am the way, I am the truth, I am the light. No one enters the Father except through Me.” And in the vision, the light began to disperse downward and as it dispersed downward it looked like silken threads or gossamer that came down across the ship. There were other ships but the other ships could not pass through the posts. And then the word came to the visionary that the mightiest power on Earth is not as strong as the finest thread in Heaven. This is the vision that Mary said is shared with us in order to give us joy in the midst of trials … in the midst of difficulties in your life …… in the midst of the challenges and trials that the Church is going through, we have this assurance….we have Mary’s prayers. We have Mary’s protection for the Church. We have the grace of God flowing down over us and binding us in that love of God through Jesus, The Way, the Truth and the Light. When we are overwhelmed by our own difficulties … the difficulties that we see within us and around us …. this message should be a great consolation. God through his messenger says “ I know your sorrow, I know your struggle and I know what you are experiencing ... the difficulties. I do not tell you that those difficulties will go way….there will be more, but “I am with you always.”

Let me just say that we came here tonight asking for something. Most of us came to ask something of God. Maybe a blessing to increase our devotion to Him … maybe a little clarity in our daily walk … maybe a little consolation in the middle of difficulties that we are experiencing. We came asking and I think in that faithful asking we receive …. God gives according to our faith …. our willingness to receive. God is asking something tonight from you. Mary came asking … something from you. Mary came to ask if you would respond to God …. if you would respond with your whole heart …. That you would give God what only you could give …. your love ….. your trust … your weakness. You and I came tonight expecting something from God. Mary came tonight expecting something from you … your faith in God.

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.