Message from Our Blessed Mother

May 24th, 2013

The following is a transcription of the live recorded message as received thru “Pat” at St Joseph’s Home (The Shrine of Our Lady of the Sierras) during the regular 7:30 Friday night bi-lingual rosary.

The message was totally unexpected but it is apparent when Our Mother wishes to publically speak to our local community, She still chooses to communicate here thru the previously confirmed “Messenger”.

The evening was also unusual as we had full attendance with many new pilgrims mainly coming from Mexico. At the conclusion of the rosary our local supporting priest gave the final blessing in Spanish. Following, Pat who now does not have the physical strength to extensively pray over pilgrims appeared to be in some enhanced spiritual and physical state. With the support of our prayer team while laying hands on multiple individuals she prayed, sang and spoke in tongues until she went “into the spirit”. Thus, while in the spirit the following message was given and recorded. It was preceded by a faint audible conversation with Our Lady. “Yes mother.”


“My dear children,

My gaze is upon you this evening and upon your world … for My Heart is open to receive all of My children. Many have turned away … though they have heard My words and have heard My calls. They come but briefly … then return to the calls of this world.

You, My children, must hear Me now. You must know the importance of prayer.  I continuously call you to pray. Pray with your hearts … for the sounds of the prayers have lessened. Now is the time for action. Now is the time that I gather My faithful warriors … My lovers of My Son.

I call you … hear the urgency in My words, but hear more the love of a Mother who will care for Her children … who will never abandon them. For your journey grows shorter … but great glory awaits you. Be My faithful ones … who hear and do the Will of God. Your prayers will accomplish much in the aid of redemption.

Pray, pray, pray.”

“My daughter, you saw the eyes and the hearts of these children. Teach them to understand ….

(While still in the spirit Pat relates a brief visual) “A white fog is coming in our way like tumbling clouds, only you can vaguely see images through it! Beyond the clouded area there are figures. It is as though the clouds become a veil preventing an actual definition of the figures, but it is very peaceful, warm, and inviting. It is love … pure love.” (No further interpretation is given.)


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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.