(Commentary) Again this year with the participating attendance of Priests, Deacons, Sisters, Seminarians and approximately 400 visitors Our Lady appeared to the Visionary Pat who was accompanied by several of the attending priests. As is customary, the pilgrims were alerted by ringing bells when Our Lady began speaking. The visionary led with her initial description of the setting: “So beautiful she comes in lights of various shades of blues, greens, golds and silver. The movement of Her image causes the various colors to mingle in a most extraordinary fashion causing one’s eyes to be captivated by the sheer beauty of holiness. She stands, Her hand clasped in prayer, upon a cloud-like substance and is surrounded by angels. The priests in attendance in the apparition room also heard the live voice message as presented”. Our Lady then begins to speak through the visionary.

“My Dear Children,

I am with you tonight to speak of God’s love for all of His Children. It is a love beyond your comprehension…. it is the love of communication. It is unfortunate, My little ones, that your world is so full of distractions that you only hear bits and pieces of what God wishes to reveal. So many devices that distract you … it is as though you put Us on “mute” and you miss Our conversation. God speaks to your heart and in that heart dwells the ability for you to communicate with God. God looks for sincerity of heart. Nothing goes unnoticed. My child, your names are engraved on Our Hearts…. I ask you, whose name is engraved on yours? Where is God in your life? Has He been placed so far down the list that there is barely room for Him?

Surely, we can remedy that. Pray and with patience you will understand so many things that will unfold in your world. God must come first. Your world cannot exist without Him. Holy, Holy is the Name of the One who comes with the news, the Good News that He will heal this world. It is His assurance of His love…. His devotion to His creation. You need not try to fix the fragmented pieces in your lives. You cannot make them fit again… but God will gather them. He will smooth the rough edges and polish the stones. And then, My children, all will fit once again. And with that renewal in your life, the light of Christ will shine within you, and you will be the bearer of His light for all the world. Be at peace… pray… and love. Rejoice now, My children, for God is with you. His angels surround you.

(Visionary continues) Now, She wishes to show that Her hands are spread apart. It looks like a very fine fabric or material is draped between Her hands. This fabric forms a basket of sorts. As the basket forms, it is as through an inaudible command is received by the angels and they busily go to each one of us….. each one here tonight…. no one is excluded…. and they gather the little broken fragments of our lives and each of them takes them and places them in this delicate fabric which our Lady holds. The fabric is like a gossamer….. delicate in appearance, but ever so strong. It never appears to get heavy. She just holds the precious pieces until the very last one comes. And then I don’t see Her tying it to hold everything in, but it is secure. It appears to fade away…… and then I hear Her say….. “Here, My Son, these are yours .…. help your children.” Then the lights stream from Her hands and She blesses us as our Mother would. It is almost like an embrace of love….of comfort….of reassurance…… (I love you).

How much more can we be loved!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Final 12-31-16



“In the Holy Gospel, our Lord asked the crowd “What did you go out into the desert to see?” I am asking you, ‘what did you come out here tonight to experience?” The Savior says: “Did you come here to hear the wind? Did you come to see people in fine clothes? No… the Savior says: “You came to hear God. You came to receive a message from God.” For this reason, the Deacons, Sisters, Priests, Seminarians, and all have come to be with you, and with you, to hear what God has to say.
    I will correct our beloved Deacon in one respect, when he said the Blessed Mother will ‘leave’ at a certain point. That’s not quite true. The Word of God says that we are surrounded by this “great cloud of witnesses”, so that while the particular vision may fade, the loving embrace of God remains.
    It is not so much the case these things, these visions, somehow come to us from far off, but the fact is, that every once in a while, our vision is cleared enough by love, that we can see what is there always. The visionary’s love for God and love for Mary allows her to see… to hear what is there for all Her children.
    In a stage play called “Saint Joan”, the playwright, George Bernard Shaw, has a dialogue between the Dauphin, the Crown Prince of France, and Joan of Arc. The Crown Prince says, “Why don’t I hear the voices that you hear? I am the Crown Prince.” And the little Saint says “You could if you listened!” When the bells are ringing, the Angels’ voices are with the sound of the bells, but you rush through your prayers and get on with something else!”
    The words which were spoken by our Blessed Mother this evening will be transcribed, and also placed on the web site in a few days, but I know that there are some things that you want to hear this evening that I am privileged to share with you…that you may take away with you.
    The message began, as always…how much you are loved. Again it was repeated, that you cannot begin to know how much God loves you! The Blessed Mother said “you are engraved on Our hearts’. She asked, “Where is God in your heart”? She said, so much in our world distracts us. If we would give ourselves to God, so much would be clear for us.
    The Blessed Mother said that there is so much brokenness in your heart…in your world… so many fragments…and you cannot put them together. Let God be the One who heals and restores! Give yourself to God!
    Many other things were said, but at the end in the vision, the visionary saw the Blessed Mother spread between Her hands something like fabric – a fine gossamer-like net and the visionary said, “The Angels are so busy!”…. Going to each one of you and taking your brokenness… your fragments and placing them in this net. And the Mother is holding them all in this beautiful gossamer and She turned and gave them to Jesus, saying: “My Son, take these… they are yours”.”
    Our prayer for you tonight is, that you will heed the beautiful message! Give yourself to God and, let God love you into wholeness! Whatever the brokenness… whatever the hurt in your life…God will bring that to wholeness, if you will trust Him.
    Again, you cannot do this for yourself. You cannot put your own life together. No one can. Place yourself in God’s hands, so that the Mother who loves you so much will bring that to Him. She gives it to Him… entrusts it to Him for your healing, and for the healing of the world.
    The visionary said, when you experience this for yourself, then you will become “good news” for the world.
    Give yourself to God! ... God loves you so much!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Final 12-30-2016

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.