February 22, 1998

My dear children,

We look about seeing Our precious ones bonding together in common unity ---- in prayer seeking truth and wisdom to know God's will. Let your hearts be light as joy comes to all those who search for peace ---- those who have opened the doors of their hearts to become Our silent yet power-filled peace makers. Much awaits you as you approach this the Springtime of life. All must learn of God's great mercy for in His compassion He leads you to His pasture of sweet repose where the flame of love burns ever so brightly.

Now, My children, you must chose as the delicate flower of life begins to wilt beneath the oppressive power of moral decay. Much has been said as My messengers have rallied throughout your world spreading My words of love ---- - hope ---- and peace. I call you to prepare ---- not to fear for where there is God there is no fear. Rejoice and be glad for soon all will feel the presence of God.

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.