February 28, 1998 (Mary)

My dear children,

I your Mother, yearn to draw you close to My Heart where the reassurance of peace and love continuously beats for you ---- for your total conversion. It is time, My children, to awaken ---- to become aware of the many signs which God in His Divine Mercy has allowed in order to show His displeasure towards His beloved creatures who willfully choose to ignore His love.

The slumber of indifference has lulled many into complacency. This, My children, is a false sense of peace. The weight of sin has become an anchor which neither allows you to move forward nor backward but remain entrenched in disobedience. My children, so many souls are in danger ---- they have lost their way - choosing to follow a path well worn by selfishness and pride.

Pray, dear children, ---- extend your hand to them while clinging tightly to the rope of salvation as you seek to spare your brothers from the depths of the abyss! No longer, My children, allow pride to rear its ugly head for selfishness must fade into selflessness as the light of pure love shines brightly upon you.

Pray from the heart that your heart will at last find peace.

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Drone footage presented by Finding Sacred Spaces.